May 29, 2020
Waveny LifeCare Network COVID-19 Daily Update
for Residents, Patients, and Families
As another week draws to a close, we reaffirm our commitment to each individual Patient and Resident’s recovery. Not every individual follows the same path nor follow similar test results. Every individual has their own care plan, rate of production of antibodies, and testing regimes. To insure lab accuracy, especially as it relates to COVID-19, we closely monitor tandem reference points PCR nasopharyngeal swab (PCR) and serum antibody IgG test results.
Waveny’s aggregate data can be found at:
The Village
We remain consistent in our reporting grid. Should a Resident’s PCR test result change or become contrary to a high IgG serum antibody reading, we will revert back to reporting as positive until the test can be repeated and reaffirmed.
Care Center
There are no updates to report regarding our Patients today.
The Inn
The Inn continues to have no positive cases of COVID-19.
Waveny Home Care
There are no updates to report regarding our Patients today.
Below is Today’s Daily Update, which reflects only the changes from yesterday’s information as it relates to the COVID-19 virus and Waveny’s patients, residents and caregiver status.
Changes in the Number of Confirmed and Presumed Positive COVID-19 Cases of Residents/Patients Currently Residing within Waveny: 1
Village (Memory Care): 1 (Tests will be repeated to reaffirm.)
Care Center (Full Skilled Nursing): 0
Changes in the Number of Confirmed and Presumed Positive COVID-19 Cases of Residents/Patients Currently Hospitalized: 0
Changes in the Number of COVID-related Deaths (confirmed and presumed): 0
Village: 0
Care Center: 0
Changes in the Number of Employees who are COVID-19 Positive or Presumed Positive: 0
Employees with Direct Care: 0
Employees with Non-Direct Care: 0
Changes in the Total of ALL Confirmed and Presumed COVID-19 Cases of Residents, Patients, and Employees: 1
Village: 1
Care Center: 0
Home Care: 0
Employees: 0
We will continue to retest diligently across our Continuum to ensure we maximize conversions of positive PCR test results to negative, and elevate the wellness and recovery potential of our Patients and Residents. Please continue to remain safe as we redouble efforts to eradicate COVID-19 virus risk exposure in our community. We are most appreciative of your ongoing support and feedback.
Your nursing supervisor will have specific medical details on your family member. Please continue to reach out to them on clinical issues, and to me on non-clinical issues or questions.